Functional Movement Screen

The Functional Movement Screen (FMS) is a functional screening tool for those beginning a new exercise program, as well as for those looking to improve upon their existing training programs. The FMS is an efficient screening system that is useful for anyone looking to improve upon their movement quality and decrease their risk of future injury.

The FMS is designed to place an individual in extreme positions where movement deficits become noticeable if appropriate stability and mobility are not used. It is a screening tool used to evaluate movement patterns in individuals with no current pain complaint or musculoskeletal injury. It is not intended to replace a skilled and thorough evaluation nor to diagnose orthopedic problems (please schedule an appointment with your physician if you have an injury or pain concern).

Muscle inflexibility, strength imbalances, or compensation due to previous injury are all acknowledged as significant risk factors for injury. Even in many individuals performing activities or sport at a high level, limitations in fundamental movement may exist and contribute to injury or limited performance gains due to the use of inefficient compensatory movements and poor biomechanics. In many cases, the FMS will identify these functional deficits so that proprioceptive, mobility, and stability limitations may be properly addressed through a well-designed program.

What to Expect:

  • 60-minute appointment: $75

  • Functional Movement Screen

  • Goal setting conversation with movement coach

  • Written assessment and recommendations emailed within 1 week